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Direct Indexing: Too many stocks?

Meet the Compact DI solution

"The next generation in Direct Indexing" 


Innovative portfolio solutions for the index investor

Choose from one of the six revolutionary Compact DI Direct Index portfolios based on our jointly developed GMAM/Bloomberg  Compact Indices.

Key Benefits

 Fewer Securities

Rather than 150 -200 securities which create a blizzard of confirmations, transaction reports, and proxy votes, all  Compact DI portfolios are composed of 22 or fewer stocks, all while still providing diversification across all the major index sectors.  The end result is a happier investor and Advisor.  

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If one of our US or International portfolios doesn't t meet your requirements our algorithm can replicate virtually any index. For those who would like to combine passive  with active, we also provide access to our unique tactical portfolios (including fixed income), or if you like we can perform asset allocation for you.

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Tax-Aware and Social Value Options

One of the attractions of direct indexing or separately managed accounts (SMA's) is the ability to perform tax-loss-harvesting and manage concentrated stock positions. For that reason we look for opportunities every day, not just end of year.

Additionally, just as we take a global or world view in investing, we respect your world view from a social values and religious perspectives and will work with you to develop a meaningful portfolio. 


We Will


To get the right answers, you have to ask the right questions.

- W.O Bentley, Founder, Bentley Motors

The Corollary

In order to ask the right questions, you need the right experience.

- Don Cody, Founder, Global Macro    Asset Management

Treat You as a Partner

We are not looking for hundreds of clients. We are looking for a limited number of great relationships.

Always Act in Your Best Interest

As a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor, we always work in your best interests, adhering to the strictest ethical and regulatory standards. We receive no commissions and have no conflicts of interest.